2V0-620-Exam-vSphere 6 Foundations
vSphere 6 Foundations
Connect and arrange vCenter Server and ESXI
Recognize vSphere Architecture and Explanations for a given use case
Install and arrange vCenter Server
Connect and arrange ESXi
Arrange vSphere Networking
Arrange vSphere Standard Switches (vSS)
Arrange vSphere Dispersed Switches (vDS)
Arrange vSS and vDS Features
Design vSphere Storage
Attach Public Storage Devices to vSphere
Organize Software Definite Storage
Generate and Configure VMFS and NFS Data stores
Organize and Manage Virtual Technologies and vApps
Make and Deploy vApps
Achieve Virtual Machine Clones and Models
Manage Virtual Technologies and vApps
Found and Continue Availability and Supply Management Structures
Create and Configure VMware Clusters
Idea and Tool VMware Fault Acceptance
Generate and Administer Resource Pools
Migrate Virtual Technologies
Backup and Return Virtual Machines
Inform ESXi and Virtual Machines
Perform Basic Troubleshooting
Achieve Simple Troubleshooting of ESXi and vCenter Server
Accomplish Uncomplicated Troubleshooting of ESXi and vCenter Actions
Perform Basic Troubleshooting of Virtual Machine Operations
Classify and Troubleshoot Basic Misconfigurations
Observer a vSphere Application
Observer ESXi, vCenter Server as well as Virtual Machines
Form and Administer vCenter Server Alarms
Connect, Configure, and Manage vCenter Actions Leader
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